Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Racial Harmony Day

1. racial harmony is about being together even we are diffrent race.

2.It is important to have racial harmany because there will be war fights all over the place.

3.Yes,we all study together and play together.

4.Yes, I have many friends from diffrent race.We know each other while playing in school.

5.we can promote racial harmany by beging toghether, helping each other.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Nettiquette is about behaving online or using E-mail.When you recive a spam, you can ask him/her to stop or block him.when i recive a spam,i will block him or sent back a note.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Nettiquette is about behaving online or using E-mail.

When you recive a spam, you can ask him/her to stop or block him.
when i recive a spam,i will block him or sent him a notice to stop.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

MY new blog!!

Hi,today i made a new blog! I was so excited!! My teacher , Mr Razi ask me and my friends to do it!! Thanks....